After the failure of Richmond Council to hold Hammersmith & Fulham to account yet again, Richmond's Conservative Councillors are asking whose side is Richmond Council on? Why will they not stand up for the residents of Richmond Borough?
Cllr Paul Hodgins, councillor for Barnes and Leader of Richmond's Conservative Group, said, "At Richmond's council meeting this week, we put forward a simple motion for Richmond Council, on behalf of its own residents who are suffering from two negligent emergency closures of Hammersmith Bridge, to finally call on Hammersmith & Fulham Council to make its required contribution for the project to enable it to move forward. Hammersmith & Fulham Council, one of the richest councils in the country, which receives central money due to its ownership of the bridge, whose council tax is significantly lower than Richmond's, and which receives millions in parking and development funds each year, has so far refused to make any contribution.
"It is clear to all now that Hammersmith & Fulham Council is the roadblock to progress on the bridge. And yet, Richmond's Liberal Democrat administration unbelievably refused to back this demand, instead saying Hammersmith & Fulham should only consider and respond to the Government's demand for a local contribution. It was completely toothless and meaningless, and they let Hammersmith & Fulham Council off the hook, again, against the interests of our own residents."
Cllr Aphra Brandreth, councillor for Barnes, said, "Richmond's Liberal Democrat administration then supported a motion, which was intended to limit the scale of the project to repairing the Bridge only for walking and cyclists. The motion was proposed by the Leader of the Green party group who said he was sceptical about the need for a bridge suitable for motor traffic, and seconded by the Lib Dem lead on Transport for the council with Green party members making it clear they did not wish to see motor vehicles return to a crossing over Hammersmith Bridge.
The Lib Dems continued to put playing politics ahead of action for our residents, rewording the motion last minute to stifle debate on the amended wording and ultimately supporting a motion which did not take account of the views of our residents or clarify the steps needed to make this project happen.
This motion made no call for Hammersmith & Fulham Council to pay their contribution to the bridge, only for the Government to make clear what that contribution should be, which they have already done.
"It was pure token politics that did nothing to move anything forward, just something they could use on Twitter. Totally pointless for our residents."
Cllr Rita Palmer, councillor for Barnes, said, "We have been pushing the Government, Richmond Council, and Hammersmith & Fulham Council, for urgent action to accelerate a temporary crossing ever since the emergency shutdown. Every motion we have brought to Council has been voted against by the Lib Dems, to the advantage of Hammersmith & Fulham Council. I am just so disappointed in the approach of the leadership of Richmond Council. All they do is play political games in Council and on Twitter, then they get their far flung supporters to chime in. It lacks seriousness, and it does nothing for our residents.
"Our residents are suffering. Our businesses are suffering. We have residents with mobility problems that need to be catered for, not just able cyclists and walkers. Why won't the leader of Richmond Council stand up for our residents, and actually do something? Take the lead to move this forward, on behalf of our residents. He has been in for nearly three years, well before Covid hit, and look where we are."
Cllr Paul Hodgins, concluded, "People on this side of the Atlantic look over at the US and cannot understand why anyone listens to Trump. And yet, at a local level, for years we've been getting the same half truths, or worse, and political game playing from Richmond's LibDems. And it all leads to the same result. Total inaction, misery for residents, and pointless Twitter wars.
"Richmond's Liberal Democrat administration has for three years just acted as the defender of Hammersmith & Fulham Council. People both north and south of the river cannot understand why Richmond Council will not stand up for its residents. Whose side are they on?"